Join Wild Planet's TravelBuddies - our revolutionary travel companion finder. Fill out your profile to find other single travelers seeking to travel together or share rooms. Choose how much you'd like us to share your profile-only amongst single travelers who have contacted Wild Planet directly, or for the best chance, allow us to inquire with our affiliate network comprised of single travelers from other travel clubs and travel organizations. Best of all, it's absolutely free!
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  • Step 1 Fill Out Your Profile
  • Step 2 Review Single- Traveler Profiles Selected by Us Just for You!
  • Step 3 Share Your Trip with Your Own Friends
  • Step 4 Connect in Advance of Your Trip
Step 1: Fill out your profile... the rest is easy!

Fill out both the public and private sections of your profile. Your public profile does not include any personal contact information. We'll share only the public part of your profile with other single travelers who's travel destinations, dates, interests and companion profile match yours.

You can check the appropriate box on your public profile to expand your search to our exclusive network of clubs and organizations comprised of single travelers who are specifically seeking travel companions. (This option requires that you have already placed a deposit on a trip with Wild Planet Adventures.) Or you can choose to limit your profile exposure to just travelers who have recently contacted Wild Planet Adventures with interest in one of our award-winning wildlife adventures. Either way, your private contact information is never shared without your express permission, and only once you have approved a potential match. Click the red button below to get started with your profile!
"I'm ready to find a like-minded travel
buddy to explore the world!"
"Sounds like a great idea but I
have a few questions."